The School District in San Ysidro
The San Ysidro School District is a Preschool through grade 8 district with 16 preschool classes, a childcare center, a K-8 district with five elementary schools, one K-8 elementary school, and one middle school 7-8. The district serves over 5,550 students and is projected to double in the next 10 years. There are 285 certificated and 190 classified employees.
All schools are on a single-track modified eleven-month schedule. The district’s budget is approximately $33 million. The San Ysidro District voters passed a $250 million dollar school bond, which will be utilized to upgrade the existing schools and build new schools based on projected growth.
The district and the community are proud of the many fine programs offered to all children including integration of technology. Each school provides students with a Library Media Center with a computer lab. The middle school students have been provided two additional labs. There is also an extensive special education program, which provides classes and services for students. A well-designed transitional Bilingual Education Program is in place for identified Limited English Proficient students, whose parents request a waiver, along with other programs, such as School Improvement Programs, Title I, Migrant Education, and Gifted and Talented Education.
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